Category: Minutes of the Business Meetings

March 5th, 2014

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes March 5th 2014   Baron & Baroness Business Their Excellencies are making a regalia list in order to track the items as they are passed down. Exchequer Business The Barony made a profit on Lupercalia. We voted on and will be transferring some money to savings. Seneschal Business – Constable Business …

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February 5th, 2014

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes February 5th 2014   Baron & Baroness Business – Exchequer Business Kingdom has given tentative pre-approval for Viscountess Seelie to hand the Exchequer position to Lady Frieda. Seneschal Business – Constable Business – Arts & Sciences Business Taxes for March Crown are upcoming. Robert has offered space in the Blue Lake …

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January 8th, 2014

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes January 8th 2014   Baron & Baroness Business We need a name for the Baronial cooking award, please E-Mail suggestions to their Excellencies. Exchequer Business We are checking with kingdom for a hand off of the exchequer position to Lady Frieda. We are looking into getting Baronial table cloths in heraldic …

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October 16th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes October 16th 2013   Baron & Baroness Business – Exchequer Business – Seneschal Business – Constable Business – Arts & Sciences Business A&S project nights have resumed at Abe & Megan’s house, please check the website for additional details and cancellations. Herald Business Baron Reinold is stepping down as Court Herald …

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September 11th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes September 11th 2013 Baron & Baroness Business — Exchequer Business The gate and sign in sheets from the Pas were given to the Exchequer along with the funds and receipts from the spaghetti feed from Purgatorio. Seneschal Business Will be submitting dates to kingdom for Lupercallia, update to follow once a …

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July 24th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes July 24th 2013   Baron & Baroness Business — Exchequer Business — Seneschal Business The Baronial Codex has been approved by kingdom, has been read in open court and is now official. It is available on the Barony Website, or you can contact the Seneschal for a paper copy. Constable Business …

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June 26th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes June 26th, 2013 Baron & Baroness Business The Baron and Baroness have purchased sleeves to make new poles for the Barony Pavilion, as approved at the 4/24/13 Business Meeting. Exchequer Business The Barony is in the black. Exchequer Quarterly Reports are due in July. Seneschal Business The 2014 Kingdom calendar opens …

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May 29th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes May 29th 2013 Baron & Baroness Business – Exchequer Business We lost approximately $94.00 on Herons Pool. We received approximately $271.00 back from our contribution to the SCA lawsuit. Seneschal Business The Baronial Codex has been revised by the Baron, Baroness and myself and has been submitted to Kingdom for approval. …

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April 24th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes April 24th 2013 Baron & Baroness Business Herons Pool was a lot of fun, and we would like to thank everyone who helped and volunteered to make it such a success.   Exchequer Business We are getting the deposit returned from the Humboldt Grange Hall from Lupercalia. Herons pool likely lost …

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February 28th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes February 28th 2013 Marshall’s Business Exchequer Business The Exchequer is still looking for a replacement please contact Viscountess Seelie if you are interested – exchequer (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org Seneschal Business There are still open positions and the Exchequer is looking for a replacement – if there is an …

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