Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
May 29th 2013
Baron & Baroness Business
Exchequer Business
- We lost approximately $94.00 on Herons Pool.
- We received approximately $271.00 back from our contribution to the SCA lawsuit.
Seneschal Business
The Baronial Codex has been revised by the Baron, Baroness and myself and has been submitted to Kingdom for approval.
Constable Business
There is progress being made toward getting another warranted constable.
Arts & Sciences Business
- All June & July A&S nights have been moved to Baroness Elsa’s home for indoor activities. If you have shop space available please contact the A&S Minister – aands (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
- Please view the Baronial Website regarding the Queens A&S Prize Tournament, action is needed by June 15th if you are interested in participating. Baroness Elsa has graciously volunteered to help find sponsors for those interested in participation.
Herald Business
- Kingdom is requesting that all local awards be listed, please contact the Herald Baron Reinold with a list of your awards and SCA Name as you want it to appear at: herald (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
- Baron Reinold is also available for SCA Name and Device consultations, please contact him for details and appointments.
Marshall’s Business
The current slate of practices are currently up on the Baronial Website, please see the calendar for details on where, when, and what type of practice.
Web Minister
- The Baronial website is up to date and constantly adding new content. We are currently looking for photos of projects in the Barony, and How To articles to teach the populace. Please submit your content to webminister (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
- Also, please fill out your photo release forms and submit them to the Web Minister. Without these forms we can not post photos containing you, that you have taken, or your works.
Christel Leake has volunteered as our new chronicler and is putting together a Scrybe (Baronial Newsletter).
Purgatorio Coronation
Allyshia is hosting Purgatorio Coronation with Baroness Elsa autocrating. Please email her if you can assist with this event: aands (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
- The front parcel will be for camping and the back parcel will be for parking, we also have the hospital parking lot available.
- Donovan has volunteered as Parking Coordinator and will need help during site prep and the event with this task. Please email him if you can assist with parking: seneschal (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
- Assistance will be required for privy duty at setup and during the event (bog roll & glow sticks)
- We should have access to the site for the two days prior to the event in order to clean the site, mow the grass, and lay out parking and camping. Details to follow prior to the event.
- The Kingdom Constables are assisting with the merchants and the permitting process for the event. Any merchant interested in setting up a booth will require permits. Baroness Elsa can assist you in getting in touch with the proper people and agencies.
- Lady Frida is looking into doing a dinner/bake sale for Friday night of the event for fundraising. If you are interested in helping please contact her.
Upcoming Events
There will be a Pas d Armes on July 20th in Blue Lake. This event has been fully submitted to Kingdom and details should be available online and in The Page.
The Harvest Feast in Wuduholt be Secg will be on October 19th in Crescent City.
Yule Feast is scheduled for December 14th 2013, but still needs an autocrat and feastocrat. Please contact Donovan if you are interested in any of these jobs – seneschal (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
New Business
Please check the Website & A&S Ministers report for details on the Queens A&S Tournament, and what assistance is available.
Baroness Elsa is working on a class for period linen stockings (for men and women). Details will follow when she is ready to teach the class.
We are looking into doing a fighting Demo and being servers for dinner at the Masonic Lodge in Eureka in exchange for use of the site for our Yule Feast. We are looking into November 9th, 16th or 23rd as possible dates for the demo.