Welcome to the Barony of Allyshia! We are part of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), located in the Kingdom of the West. We are located in Humboldt County, California.
The West Kingdom website has a useful overview for newcomers.
The SCA website has a wealth of resources for newcomers, and is an excellent place to start if you are curious about the SCA, but not yet ready to attend an event or meeting.
The best way to get involved is to attend an event or meeting. There we can answer your questions in person and show you ways to get involved. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings and events, even if they are not currently members of the SCA.
The Barony Calendar shows all local events and meetings, along with many events further afield. The Kingdom Calendar shows all the events happening in the Kingdom of the West.
As a general rule of thumb, most people attend meetings, like the business meeting, or the arts & sciences meeting, wearing regular clothes. Most events, like feasts and tournaments, are attended in “garb”, or medieval attire. If you need garb, or are uncertain if the garb you are planning on wearing is unsuitable, please contact our chatelaine via email at: chatelaine (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org. We’re happy to help, as we were all new once ourselves.
Attending an Arts & Sciences Meeting is a great way to start out, as no special clothing or gear is needed to attend. At these meetings we get together and work on projects, teach classes, and share tips. Fellow members can help you design your own garb, answer your questions, and show you what the SCA is about.
The internet has a wealth of information about the SCA, but the best way to get involved is to come to an event or meeting and see for yourself. New members are what keeps our group strong and active. We can’t wait to meet you.