October 16th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

October 16th 2013


Baron & Baroness Business

Exchequer Business

Seneschal Business

Constable Business

Arts & Sciences Business

  • A&S project nights have resumed at Abe & Megan’s house, please check the website for additional details and cancellations.

Herald Business

  • Baron Reinold is stepping down as Court Herald at Lupercalia, Lady Deva is being trained as his replacement.
  • Baron Reinold is still available for SCA Name and Device consultations, please contact him for details and appointments.

Marshall’s Business

  • Viscount Sir Chandra is stepping down as the Allyshian Marshall and Lord Robert has volunteered as his replacement.
  • Lady Deva is looking into obtaining the Field House @ HSU for fighter practice.

Web Minister


Upcoming Events:

  • We have been invited to the Rapier Championship Tournament in Glyn Dwfn, An Tir on October 26th (Medford, OR)
  • The Demo at the Masonic Hall will be on November 9th in Eureka, help will be needed for cooking, serving, cleaning and fighting (heavy and rapier). Contact Robert to volunteer or for details.
  • Master Bjorn & Mistress Hilarie are coming to Allyshia to teach Scribal Skills on November 2nd at the Blue Lake Casino Hotel. Suggested donation to cover their travel expenses: $10.  On November 3rd there will be a Fighter Practice at 10:00 AM, location TBD. For more information contact Baroness Elsa.
  • Ravenshore Yule Feast is on December 7th in Fort Bragg CA. This event is being held in tents outside and will be attended by their Majesties Marc and Patricia.
  • Yule Feast is scheduled for December 14th 2013. Donovan has volunteered as autocrat and Baroness Elsa volunteered as feastocrat. There is an event in the hall the next day so we must leave the hall spotless when we leave.
  • Lupercalia is on January 25th and is being autocrated by Viscountess Seelie, site and details to follow when available.

New Business

  • The next Meeting will be held on November 13th at 7:00PM at the Blue Lake Casino Hotel. Please ask at the front desk for floor and room location.