March 5th, 2014

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

March 5th 2014


Baron & Baroness Business

  • Their Excellencies are making a regalia list in order to track the items as they are passed down.

Exchequer Business

  • The Barony made a profit on Lupercalia. We voted on and will be transferring some money to savings.

Seneschal Business

Constable Business

Arts & Sciences Business

Herald Business

Marshall’s Business

  • Sundays after rapier practice there will be a Heavy Fighting Drills Practice, contact Baron Robert for details and times.

Web Minister


Upcoming Events

  • Herons Pool has been moved to May 31st, there will be Heavy Fighting, rapier, and A&S. The A&S is an open display and competition and the theme is 1000AD and prior, but feel free to enter any project you wish. We are working on booking a hall for the event & will have a potluck feast.

New Business

  • The next Meeting will be held on April 23rd at 7:00PM at the Blue Lake Casino Hotel. Please ask at the front desk for floor and room location.