Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
July 24th 2013
Baron & Baroness Business
Exchequer Business
Seneschal Business
- The Baronial Codex has been approved by kingdom, has been read in open court and is now official. It is available on the Barony Website, or you can contact the Seneschal for a paper copy.
Constable Business
Arts & Sciences Business
- The last A&S meeting for August will be on August 12th, all A&S meetings after this cancelled until after Purgatorio. Updates will follow when more information is available.
Herald Business
- The first update has been sent to kingdom with local awards that have been provided. If you have not done so yet please contact the Herald Baron Reinold with a list of your awards and SCA Name as you want it to appear at: Herald (at) Allyshia (dot) Westkingdom (dot) org
- Baron Reinold is also available for SCA Name and Device consultations, please contact him for details and appointments.
Marshall’s Business
Web Minister
Purgatorio Coronation
Allyshia is hosting Purgatorio Coronation with Baroness Elsa autocrating.
- There will be a Volunteer Meeting at Baroness Elsa’s on August 14th at 7:00PM. Please come if you can and would like to volunteer to help. We will need lots of assistance to make sure the event goes smoothly.
- The will be a work party on the Purgatorio site on August 22nd starting at 10:30AM to prepare it for the event. This will likely go all day, so please come and help when you can. Contact Baroness Elsa for more information.
- Donovan has volunteered as Parking Coordinator and will need help during site prep and during the event. The back field is no longer available for parking and other arrangements are being made. More information will be available at the Volunteer Meeting on August 14th.
- The Kingdom Constables are assisting with the merchants and the permitting process for the event. Any merchant interested in setting up a booth will require permits. Baroness Elsa can assist you in getting in touch with the proper people and agencies.
- Lady Frida is doing a dinner/bake sale for Friday night of the event. If you are interested in helping please contact her.
Upcoming Events
- Purgatorio is August 23rd –August 25th in Allyshia, please see the above section for additional details and ways to volunteer to help.
- The Harvest Feast in Wuduholt be Secg will be on October 19th in Crescent City.
- Yule Feast is scheduled for December 14th 2013. Donovan has volunteered as autocrat and Baroness Elsa volunteered as feastocrat.
New Business
- The next Meeting will be held on September 11th at 7:00PM.