It is time again for their Excellencies, Baron Erik and Baroness Signy, to choose their successors. Please join us a Lupercalia for the Baronial Coronet Tournament on January 25th, opening at 10am. Parking is limited and there is going to be another event in Blue Lake the same day, so please arrive early and carpool.
Court will open for Invocation at noon sharp, to be followed immediately by the heavy fighting portion of the Baronial Coronet Tournament. All competitors and consorts in the Baronial Coronet Tournament will please be signed in, in armor (if doing the fighting competition), and ready for Invocation at the stroke of twelve. Late arrivals cannot join the Tournament already in progress. The Prize Tournament will follow the Baronial Coronet Heavy Fighting Competition. The Sciences Competition will begin at 1:30pm, and the Arts Competition will begin at 3:00pm.
All competitors and consorts entering the Baronial Coronet Tournament at Lupercalia must bring proof of current SCA membership, such as your membership card. All wishing to fight at the event must bring their current fighter cards. For additional information contact the Allyshian Marshal, Baron Robert d’Audrieu.
There will be a Cooking Competition at Lupercalia with the theme “Something about Bacon”. Entries must incorporate bacon! (bread, soup, entry, dessert – anything with bacon!). For additional information please contact Baroness Elsa.
For additional information and a complete schedule for the event check the Barony Calendar or contact the autocrat, Viscountess Seelie Brianna Sutherland.
Viscountess Seelie is seeking a deputy or replacement for her office as Barony Exchequer. For additional information please contact Viscountess Seelie.
Baroness Elsa is seeking a deputy or replacement for her office as Barony Arts & Sciences Minister. For additional information please contact Baroness Elsa.
Please check the Awards section of the Barony Website and make sure all your Baronial awards are listed correctly. The Allyshia Herald, Baron Reinold, will be making his annual Baronial Awards update to Kingdom after Lupercalia. This is your last chance to have the Kingdom Order of Precedence correctly list your Baronial Awards until the next submission in 2015. Please contact Baron Reinold with any updates as soon as possible.
Lady Isabel de la Bastudia will be teaching an introductory tablet weaving workshop on February 3rd beginning at 6:30 pm. This class will be held at the regular Arts & Sciences Meeting Location. For additional information and directions please contact Baroness Elsa or Baroness Megan.
Viscountess Seelie is hosting a Costuming and Sewing Circle at her home in McKinleyville at noon on Sundays beginning February 9th, and running until March Crown. The focus will be making garb for March Crown. Bring a sewing machine if you have one. All skill levels welcome. For additional information and directions please contact Viscountess Seelie.
Baroness Elsa – aands (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
Baron Robert – audrieu (at) gmail (dot) com
Viscountess Seelie – dreadviscountess (at) yahoo (dot) com
Baron Reinold – herald (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
Lady Thora – webminister (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org