By popular request: on Monday, 2/3/2014, during A&S, the lovely and talented Lady Isabel de la Bastudia will be teaching an introductory tablet weaving workshop. She will begin at 7:00pm.
Please wear a belt and bring a pen, 10 or more playing cards that you don’t mind cutting up, and 2-4 skeins of yarn. Yarn should be approximately the same weight but different colors. If you can bring a hole punch and a pair of scissors that you don’t mind using on the playing cards you won’t have to wait for shared tools.
If you don’t have materials you can still come play, but you will be limited to whatever is in Megan’s learner stash rather than the yarn of your choice.
For your first project Lady Isabel suggests (and as appalling as it seams, she’s right!) acrylic yarn, both because it is so inexpensive and because it is difficult to learn on anything textured or fuzzy, such as wool yarn. Boldly different colors will also make it easier to keep track of your pattern. If you have any questions please see Megan or contact the A&S minister.
February’s class will cover beginning techniques only, but if there is interest we can arrange an intermediate/advanced class at a future date.
We would like to continue to have about one special subject workshop per month. If there is an A&S class you would like to teach or take, please contact Megan or Elsa. March is still open so please let us know if any of you talented people have a subject you’d like to teach. Thank you!
Baroness Megan – chatelaine (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
Baroness Elsa – aands (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org