Warriors of Allyshia!
We need practice! War practice!
Looking at the calendar, I can’t see any good weekends for war practice until the end of the month.
Please sound off if you can attend a practice at the Pump Station #1 in Arcata on the weekend of the 28th-29th. Let me know if you prefer Saturday or Sunday.
This late date has the advantage of keeping the training fresh in our minds before the war.
Bring all of your toys. I need to see what y’all are good at. Expect a day of drills interspersed with skirmishes. Those of you who are less experienced war fighters and are planning to attend West/AnTir War, I really need to see you there. Don’t make me beg. I’m really not good at begging.
Conall, KSCA
Dux Bellator
PS from the Webminister: If you don’t have Sir Conall’s contact info try Facebook, or contact Lady Megan: chatelaine(at)allyshia(dot)westkingdom(dot)org