The Shire of Glyn Dwfn has Our Sheep!

The Shire of Glyn Dwfn have our sheep and have asked the Barony to come join them at their Tournament and Feast in order for them to be returned.

Samhain  Saturday October 26th 2013
Enterprise Grange #489
8700 E East Evans Creek Road, Rogue River, OR
8:00AM to 9:00PM

It is once again that time of year when we take in the harvest and join together with great merriment. Therefore the Shire of Glyn Dwfn  invites you to come and help us celebrate the passing of summer. A tournament  shall be held  with rapiers from which shall come forth our new defender of the thin blade. For those who choose to strike blows a little more forceful, a heavy prize tournament shall also take place. To the populace that finds the finer things to be more important than beating your friends to a pulp there shall be our first arts and science competition. The theme of the competition, keeping with traditional Celtic celebrations, is “From Chaos into Order.” The requirement is that the entry be somehow related to this theme and can be in any art or science. Creative interpretation is encouraged. Your documentation will be “explaining” how your entry is related to this theme, or relating how this theme inspired your entry. The documentation is informal, and can be as short as a paragraph.Upon the gathering darkness of evening we shall all partake in a glorious feast that will surely tickle your fancy. THIS IS A DRY SITE PLEASE BE RESPONSABLE.

Site Fee:
Adults  15.00
Youth 10 and older 10.00
Children under 10 Free
Family cap  40.00
A 5.00 non member fee will be charged as per kingdom’s request.

Aja Dawn
Contact Info on the Kingdom Website:
Sponsored by the Shire of Glyn Dwfn
Jackson County Oregon

Schedule of events:
8:00AM Site opens
9:30AM Armour inspections begin for both Rapier and Heavy.
11:00AM Both tournaments begin
11:00AM all arts and science entries must be presented for competition
12:00 PM Lunch sideboard will be served
5:00PM Feasting time

Site Info:
Name: Enterprise Grange
8700 E. Evans Creek Rd
Rogue River, OR 97537

Directions to Site:

Last Event’s Directions: 8700 E. Evans Creek Rd., Rogue River, OR Take I-5 to Rogue River. From the North or South take Exit 48 onto Depot St. From the North make a left onto Depot St; from the South make a right. Then take the immediate left onto Pine St. Pine St. becomes East Evans Creek Rd. Enterprise is on the right side of East Evans Creek Rd, about 7mi from Rogue River. If you reach Wimer you’ve gone a bit too far.