May 31st 2014
Heron’s Pool – Barony of Allyshia (Blue Lake, CA)
Come and compete for the honor of being named a champion of the Baroness of Allyshia. Competitions will be held for Heavy Fighting, Rapier, and there will be an open A&S competition and display with the theme of anything 1000 c.e to antiquity. There will be a potluck feast in the evening. Please bring a dish to share with the populace.
Site Information: Mad River Grange, 110 Hatchery Road, Blue Lake CA 95525
Site Open: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Site fee: $5.00 (NMS fee $5.00) 12 years and under are free. Please make checks payable to “SCA, Inc-Barony of Allyshia”
Autocrat: Donovan Ried – seneschal (at) allyshia (dot) westkindgom (dot) org