Date(s) - 02/03/2024
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
D Street Community Center
In addition to the coronet tournament, each competition will also be a prize tournament, but you need not enter for the coronet to participate and win the prizes. The Arts competition, both coronet and prize, will be a composed chronicle of the sitting Coronets Reign, in a period style, completed on site from memory.
The Sciences competition will be a map of either the Known World or West Kingdom, also completed on site from memory. Choice of which map is decided by the Baron and Baroness on the day. Both the Arts and the Sciences competitions are judged blind by their excellencies and former Barons and Baronesses, so they must be able to be presented without the participant present.
In addition to the standard, the Heavy fighting prize competition will be held with a Fighter Auction with a prize going to the the winner’s sponsor, to raise funds to bring more fighting instructors to our community.
After all these competitive endeavors a Poachers Feast will be held with the Barony providing the meat of the dish. Those wishing to participate are asked to bring a side dish.
Event Steward: Donovan Ried (Lawrence Tait) — E-mail: donovan (dot) ried (at) westkingdom (dot) org