Date(s) - 12/03/2022
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
D Street Community Center
The Barony of Allyshia invites all to celebrate the coming festive season with games, crafts, and a period feast cooked by Mistress Kalista Kulinova.
There will be A&S classes during the day, and a cookie decorating competition (cookies and some decorations will be provided).
There will also be the traditional White Elephant Gift Exchange — $15 limit and participation voluntary.
Feast tickets: $15 preorder till November 25th
Kids 10 and under eat free when their parent or guardian purchases a ticket
Contact Kalista at: seneschal(dot)allyshia(at)yahoo(dot)com &/or mail payments to: 3207 Albee Street, Erueka, CA 95503
Checks payable to: SCA Barony of Allyshia. In memo write: “Yule Feast Tickets”. Please include a note with the names of those in your party. A limited number of feast tickets will be available at gate, so Buy Them Early
Volunteers for set up and clean up are greatly appreciated; contact the event steward to volunteer.
Event Steward: Zbina Belagorskia (Sasha Woodruff) — E-mail: woodruffat(at)